
Monday, July 18, 2016

The aliens are coming!

 Spent the day chilling at the beach, wondering how magical Sooty's wand really is.
Izzy Wizzy lets get busy! ahhh he escaped.

It was so eerie on the beach today with all the mist and fog about. Felt like I was in that Stephen King horror film the 'Mist'.

Here's late afternoon and totally clear.
As a kid I never remembered my mum putting sun cream lotion on me. Maybe when we went on holiday but never just on a day out. I never really got burnt either but over the past few years the sun's rays must have increased because I have to slaver it on little man and myself, even when we nip out to the shops or we would just fry.
I was walking across the beach to take little man for a donkey ride and I kept seeing these poor babies and toddles butt naked and bright red like lobsters, it really up set me actually, but what can you do.

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